domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Presente simple - Simple present

The simple present expresses a daily routine, facts-definitions-concepts, and in some cases, actions in future (schedule actions).

The auxiliary verbs used in present simple are DO(I, YOU, THEY, WE)-DOES (HE, SHE, IT) and is some cases the verb TO BE. For example: I am from Mérida. When the subject of the sentences is in third person singular, it must be add and S after the verb. For example: María cleanS the house everyday. When the sentences are with other kind of nouns, the S is not necessary. For example: I clean my house everyday.

Nota: los estudiantes deben tratar de comprender el pequeño párrafo que habla acerca del presente simple y tratar de aportar ejemplos para cada uno de los usos de este tiempo verbal. También, deberán enriquecer dicho texto con mñas información relacionada con el tema de ser necesario.

2 comentarios:

  1. Example: 1°She is studying
    2° Yolianny reads a book

  2. example:
    - she's playing
    - Maria is tired.

    teacher will be fine, the sentence that I put as an example.
